property RedToGrayCoef: integer;
Specify the red coefficient used to convert from
color to gray scale. The conversion formula is:
gray := (Red * RedToGrayCoef + Green * GreenToGrayCoef + Blue * BlueToGrayCoef) div 100;
◼Values should be in the range 0-100, and RedToGrayCoef + GreenToGrayCoef + BlueToGrayCoef should equal 100
◼The default values of 21/71/8 equate to the Rec. 709 Luma coefficients (weighting each color based on how the human eye perceives it)
Defaults: 21 (Red), 71 (Green) and 8 (Blue)
// Use the NIST values for gray-scale conversion (as used by Photoshop and GIMP)
IEGlobalSettings().RedToGrayCoef := 30;
IEGlobalSettings().GreenToGrayCoef := 59;
IEGlobalSettings().BlueToGrayCoef := 11;
See Also