ImageEn, unit iexUserInteractions |
TIEUserInteractionList = class;
Provides access to all
TIEUserInteraction objects that have been added to the TImageEnView.
TIEUserInteraction are as follows:
Descendent | Property | MouseInteractGeneral/MouseInteractLayers |
TIEBrushToolInteraction | BrushTool | miBrushTool |
TIERetouchToolInteraction | RetouchTool | miRetouchTool |
TIECloneToolInteraction | CloneTool | miCloneTool |
TIECropToolInteraction | CropTool | miCropTool |
TIEFillToolInteraction | FillTool | miColorFill, miAlphaFill, miColorPicker |
TIELayerCreateInteraction | Not Exposed | mlCreateImageLayers, mlCreateShapeLayers, mlCreateLineLayers, mlCreatePolylineLayers, mlCreateAngleLayers, mlCreateTextLayers |
TIELayerPointsInteraction | Not Exposed | mlClickCreateLineLayers, mlClickCreatePolylineLayers, mlDrawCreatePolylineLayers, mlClickCreateAngleLayers, mlEditLayerPoints |
TIEPdfViewer | PdfViewer | N/A |
TIERotateToolInteraction | RotateTool | miRotateTool |
TIEButtonInteraction | ShowButtons | N/A |
TIETransformToolInteraction | TransformTool | miTransformTool |
You can also create your own descendents of
TIEUserInteraction to provide custom user functionality to TImageEnView.
| Demos\Other\CustomUserInteraction_Compare\UserInteraction.dpr |
| Demos\Other\CustomUserInteraction_Stamping\UserInteraction.dpr |
// Add a custom User Interaction to TImageEnView
// From the demo: Demos\Other\CustomUserInteraction\UserInteraction.dpr
THeartStampInteraction = class(TIEUserInteraction)
constructor Create(Parent: TIEView);
destructor Destroy(); override;
function MouseDownExclusive(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer): boolean; override;
function MouseMoveExclusive(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer; Captured: boolean): boolean; override;
function MouseUpExclusive(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer): boolean; override;
// Create our Heart Stamp UI tool and add to the ImageEnView
fHeartStampInteraction := THeartStampInteraction.Create( ImageEnView1 );
ImageEnView1.UserInteractions.Add( fHeartStampInteraction );
fHeartStampInteraction.Enabled := true;
See Also
◼ImageEn Interactive Tools