Inserts a new layer into the layers list at the specified position. The new layer will become the current layer.
If the size and pixel format are not specified then the new layer assumes that of the current layer.
You can specify PosX and PosY for the destination position of the layer (in terms of the background bitmap, e.g. 0,0 would align the new layer with the top-left of Layer[0]). Pass as -1, -1 to use the next available position.
Note: Only a TIEImageLayer can be inserted at position 0 (i.e. as background layer). If you attempt to insert a non-image layer at position 0, it will be inserted at 1
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\first.jpg' ); // Load image into first layer (will become background) ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 1 ); // Insert a new layer above the background layer ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\second.jpg' ); // Load image into the new layer (now the current layer)
// Load an image from file and add it as a layer ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 1, 'C:\MyImage.jpg' );
// Insert a text layer ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 1, 'My text layer', 14, clBlack, 'Arial' );
// Insert a yellow explosion shape layer at size 220 x 120 ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 1, iesExplosion, 50, 50, 220, 120 ); ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.FillColor := clYellow; ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.BorderWidth := 0; ImageEnView1.Update();
// Insert an image layer and apply a pink border ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 3, ielkImage ); // Insert an image layer after layer 2 (i.e. 3rd layer) ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\New Zealand.jpg' ); // Load image into the new/active layer ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.BorderColor := $008000FF; ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.BorderWidth := 3; ImageEnView1.Update();
// Insert a text layer ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 1, ielkText ); TIETextLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).Text := 'This is a Text Layer'; TIETextLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).BorderColor := clBlack; TIETextLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).BorderWidth := 1; TIETextLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).FillColor := clWhite; ImageEnView1.Update();
// Add a mask layer to the background layer which is transparent at the top and opaque at the bottom ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 1, 0, 255, gpgVertical );
// Add a star shape mask with 50% opacity to the current layer ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( ImageEnView1.LayersCurrent + 1, 128, 128, gpgNone, iesStar5 );
// Clone the current layer ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer.LayerIndex, ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer );
// Insert a polygon (closed polyline) of yellow star with a red border (points are in terms of the bitmap) ImageEnView1.LayersInsert( 1, [ 125,0, 155,95, 250,95, 175,155, 202,250, 125,193, 48,250, 78,155, 0,95, 98,95 ], True, clRed, 2, clYellow ); ImageEnView1.Update();