ImageEn, unit iexLayerMView


Properties · Methods · Events · Demos · Examples


TImageEnLayerMView = class(TIECustomMView);


The TImageEnLayerMView component is a descendent of TImageEnMView, but is designed to display the layers of a TImageEnView (i.e. all of the layers of a multi-layer file format, such as a PSD, IEN or SVG file).
To use TImageEnLayerMView, simply set the AttachedImageEnView property to a TImageEnView.

TImageEnLayerMView provides the following features:
Preview of all layers of a TImageEnView, with thumbnail, layer type, position, size and rotation information
Selection of thumbnails to select the relevant layer (Optional)
Buttons to set the Visible, Locked or IsMask status of layers (Optional)
Dragging of thumbnails to re-arrange them (Optional)
Dragging of thumbnails outside the control (or clicking Delete) to remove them (Optional)

Note: You can also display layers in a standard TImageEnMView, using AssignLayers


Demo  Demos\Actions\Actions_Layers\LayerActions.dpr
Demo  Demos\Layers\Layers_AllTypes\Layers.dpr
Demo  Demos\LayerEditing\Layers_Images\Layers.dpr
Demo  Demos\LayerEditing\Layers_Lines\Layers.dpr
Demo  Demos\LayerEditing\Layers_Text\TextLayers.dpr


// Set up
IELayerMView1.AttachedImageEnView := ImageEnView1;
// Thumbnails or details?
if fShowLayersAsThumbs then
  IELayerMView1.Style := iemsFlat
  IELayerMView1.Style := iemsFlatAndWide;

// Background down to front-most, or reversed?
if fLayerViewReversed then
  IELayerMView1.LayerOrder := ieloTopFirst
  IELayerMView1.LayerOrder := ieloBackgroundFirst;

// Enable dragging of thumbnails to rearrange layers and remove layers
IELayerMView1.LayerOptions := IELayerMView1.LayerOptions + [ lvDragOrdering, lvDragDelete ];

// Move buttons to the top-right of thumbnail
ImageEnLayerMView1.ButtonParams.Position := iecpTopRight;

Methods and Properties

Common Members
Published Property  AutoAdjustStyle
Published Property  AttachedImageEnView
Published Property  ButtonParams
Public Method  IndexToLayer
Published Property  LayerOptions
Published Property  LayerOrder
Public Method  LayerToIndex
Published Property  PopupMenus
Published Property  Style
Public Method  Update (Refresh)

Published Property  Background
Published Property  BackgroundColor2
Published Property  BackgroundStyle
Published Property  BiDiMode
Published Property  GradientDir
Published Property  GradientEndColor
Published Property  GridWidth (Column count)
Public Property  MaximumViewX
Public Property  MaximumViewY
Public Method  SetChessboardStyle
Public Method  SetModernStyling
Public Method  SetStyleEx
Public Method  SetViewXY
Public Property  ViewX
Public Property  ViewY
Published Property  Wallpaper
Published Property  WallpaperStyle

Thumbnail Text
Published Property  BottomTextFont
Published Property  DefaultBottomText
Published Property  DefaultInfoText
Published Property  DefaultTopText
Public Property  ImageBottomText
Public Property  ImageInfoText
Public Property  ImageTopText
Published Property  InfoTextFont
Published Property  ParentFont
Published Property  ReadOnly
Published Property  SelectedFontColor
Public Property  ShowText
Public Property  TextBackgroundColor
Public Property  TextBackgroundStyle
Public Property  TextBlockWidth
Public Property  TextColumns
Public Property  TextColumnWidths
Published Property  TextMargin
Published Property  TextTruncSide
Published Property  TopTextFont

Thumbnail Appearance
Published Property  EnableAlphaChannel
Public Property  FillThumbnail (Highlight Selection)
Public Property  IconSize
Public Method  SetThumbnailSize
Published Property  ShowThumbnailHint
Public Property  SoftShadow
Published Property  ThumbnailClipping
Published Property  ThumbnailDisplayFilter
Published Property  ThumbHeight
Published Property  ThumbnailResampleFilter
Published Property  ThumbnailsBackground
Published Property  ThumbnailsBackgroundHover
Published Property  ThumbnailsBackgroundSelected
Published Property  ThumbnailsBackgroundStyle
Published Property  ThumbnailsBorderColor
Published Property  ThumbnailsBorderCurved
Published Property  ThumbnailsBorderWidth
Published Property  ThumbnailsInternalBorderColor
Published Property  ThumbnailsInternalBorder
Published Property  ThumbnailOptionsEx
Public Property  ThumbsRounded
Public Method  ThumbSizeInfo
Published Property  ThumbWidth
Published Property  Zoom

Thumbnail Spacing
Published Property  BottomGap
Published Property  HorizBorder
Published Property  LeftGap
Published Property  RightGap
Published Property  UpperGap
Published Property  VertBorder

Public Property  SelectedImageAlwaysVisible
Published Property  SelectionColor
Published Property  SelectionWidth
Published Property  VisibleSelection

User Interaction
Public Property  Gestures
Public Method  GetImageVisibility
Public Method  ImageAtGridPos
Public Method  ImageAtPos
Public Method  InsertingPoint
Public Method  IsVisible
Published Property  KeyInteract
Published Property  MouseInteract
Published Property  MouseWheelParams (Default)
Published Property  MouseWheelParamsAlt (Ctrl Key)

Public Property  CurrentScrollBars
Public Property  HScrollBarParams
Published Property  ScrollBars
Public Property  ScrollBarsAlwaysVisible
Public Property  VScrollBarParams

Public Method  CalcGridHeight
Public Method  CalcGridWidth
Published Property  DesignTimeView
Published Property  DrawVersion
Published Property  ImageEnVersion
Published Property  ImageCacheSize
Public Property  ImageCacheUseDisk
Public Method  LoadProperties
Public Method  SaveProperties


Layer Events
Event  OnGetLayerImage
Event  OnIncludeLayer

User Interaction Events
Event  OnEditText
Event  OnImageDeselect
Event  OnImageSelect
Event  OnImageEnGesture
Event  OnSelectionChanging
Event  OnSelectionChanged
Event  OnZoomIn
Event  OnZoomOut

Paint Events
Event  OnBeforeImageDrawEx
Event  OnBeforeImageDraw
Event  OnDrawProgress
Event  OnGetColors
Event  OnGetText
Event  OnGetTextEx
Event  OnImageDraw
Event  OnImageDraw2
Event  OnImageOut

Other Events
Event  OnFinishWork
Event  OnGetHint
Event  OnProgress
Event  OnViewChange
Event  OnViewChanging

 Unique to TImageEnLayerMView